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Simplicity of form and color

Agata Hecman is a polish multidisciplinary artist with an eye for aesthetics and timeless minimal art. From an early age she was already experimenting with the possibilities of combining different materials and handcrafted. Artistic inspiration comes from the works of Pierre Soulages and Alberto Burri.

Her items grow steadily from her love for the matter and its colours. Every piece reflects the wayward beauty of her poetic visual language. Irregular textures and marks are part of her unique work and should be embraced. The structure and depth of the artworks give an extra dimension to the space.

Her artworks are made with attention to materials, gesture and spiritual connection between she and her work. 

Each work  becomes a memory of her conversation with raw and organic materials she using to creation.

"Each piece as a way of expressing myself in a different medium."

Artsit statement

' I want to make my paintings as raw as possible. My art grow steadily from my love to matter. I am constantly trying to create unexpected shapes, structure, colors and emotion out of materials I work with. In my art I discovered emotional power in the rawness of the organic nature of the materials. The earth, the plants and the stones in nature are the original source of my sense of colour and surface. Irregular textures, hidden traces are the part of my work which make every piece unique. and reflects the character of my visual language.'

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